Books Chapters

2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007

*The authors marked in bold are currently integrated researchers in CinTurs



Ashqar, R.I., & Ramos, C. M. Q. (2024). Machine-Learning Holistic Review in Tourism and Hospitality. In A. Al-Sartawi, M. Wahab & K. Hussainey (Eds.), Global Economic Revolutions: Big Data Governance and Business Analytics for Sustainability. ICGER 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1999, pp. 78-84). Springer.

Campos, A. C. (2024). Cocreating innovation: a study on NEST Living Lab. In N. Scott, M. Guerreiro & P. Pinto (Eds.), Managing Destinations. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice (Vol. 14, pp. 215-233). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Costa, J., Ramos, J., & Leitão, F. (2024). Analysing the Role of Artificial Reefs in Blue Tourism: Vilamoura Artificial Reef (South Portugal). In J. Ramos, B. Drakeford & F. Leitão (Eds), Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management (pp. 229-252). IGI Global. ISBN13: 9798369324363

Garcês, S.Pocinho, M., & de Jesus, S. N. (2024). Madeira Tourists Profile A Positive Psychology Approach. In N. Scott, M. Guerreiro & P. Pinto (Eds.), Managing Destinations. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice (Vol. 14, pp. 69-83). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Gonçalves, A. (2024). Heritage Interpretation and Tourism – A lesson learned based on cultural sites interpretation evaluation. In A. Correia, J. D. Lopez & M. Portugal (Eds.), International Case Studies in Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Tourism (pp. 129-150). Routledge.

Gonçalves, A. (2024). Creative Tourism. In Quinteiro, S. & Marques, M. J. (Eds.), Working Definitions in Literature and Tourism: A Research Guide (20-21). CIAC.

Guerreiro, M., Ormerod, N. (2024). The show must go on, but how? In J. Mair, G. Aktas & M. Kozak (Eds.), International Case Studies in Event Management (pp. 183-192). Routledge.

Guerreiro, M.Pinto, P.Ramos, C.Marques, J. F.Lança, M., & Lai, H. K. (2024). The contagious effect of COVID-19 on residents’ perceptions about the sociocultural impacts of tourism. In R. Nunko & T. Juwaheer (Eds.), A Research Agenda for the Social Impact of Tourism (pp. 217-232). Edward Elgar.

Madiedo, A. M., Ramos, J., & Leitão, F. (2024). Enhancing Ecosystem Services: The Role of Artificial Reefs. In J. Ramos, B. Drakeford & F. Leitão (Eds), Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management (pp. 135-158). IGI Global. ISBN13: 9798369324363

Mota, M., Sequeira, B.Guerreiro, M., & Pinto, P. (2024). Heritage City Image Local Players' Perceptions. In N. Scott, M. Guerreiro & P. Pinto (Eds.), Managing Destinations. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice (Vol. 14, pp. 141-157). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Ormerod, N. (2024). Co-created research or co-created chaos? Handing the research reigns to local communities. In L. Platt, R. Finkel & B. Sharp (Eds.), Creative Research Methods for Critical Event Studies, Routledge. ISBN 9781032686424 

Pinto, P.Guerreiro, M.Renda, A., Pereira, L.Lança, M., & Lai, H. K. (2024). Is local lodging negatively impacting residents’ perceptions of tourism in their community? In R. Nunko & T. Juwaheer (Eds.), A Research Agenda for the Social Impact of Tourism (pp. 145-160). Edward Elgar.

Samora-Arvela, A., Pinto, P.Panagopoulos, T., Vaz, E., Ferreira, J., Pina, H., & Pinto, D. M. (2024). Regional Resilience and Dependence on Tourism in a Changing Climate. In P. Remoaldo, H. Lopes, V. Ribeiro & J. Alves (Eds), Tourism and Climate Change in the 21st Century. Advances in Spatial Science (pp. 117–142). Springer. 

Santos, E., Pinto, P., & Pereira, L. N. (2024). Residents and Tourism COVID-19 Evidence, Cape Verde. In N. Scott, M. Guerreiro & P. Pinto (Eds.), Managing Destinations. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice (Vol. 14, pp. 127-139). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Vargas-Sánchez, A., Albendín-Moya, J. J., Perna, F., Custódio, M. J., Pereira, L. N.Santos, M. M., & Oliveira, V. (2024). Maritime Connectivity Resident Population Demand. In N. Scott, M. Guerreiro & P. Pinto (Eds.), Managing Destinations. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice (Vol. 14, pp. 193-212). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Viana, L., & Pinto, H. (2024). Resilience of innovationReference Module in Social Sciences. Elsevier.

Vidal, J.Silva, J. A., & Castela, G. (2024). Arbitration in Tourism The Industry Performance. In N. Scott, M. Guerreiro & P. Pinto (Eds.), Managing Destinations. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice (Vol. 14, pp. 177-191). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Warnholtz, G., Ormerod, N., & Cooper, C.  (2024). The use of tourism as a social intervention in indigenous communities to support the conservation of natural protected areas in Mexico. In M. Stone, L. Stone & G. Nyaupane (Eds.) Protected Areas, Sustainable Tourism and Community Livelihood Linkages, (pp. 2649-2664). Routledge. ISBN 9781032831756. 



Abranja, N., Rodrigues, T., & Bernardo, E. (2023). Critical Essay on Emerging, Transformative, and Disruptive Companies Influencing Consumer Behaviour. In C. Ramos et al. (Eds.), Measuring Consumer Behavior in Hospitality for Enhanced Decision Making (pp. 104-120). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6607-0.ch006

Agapito, D. (2023). Tourism, Senses and Well-being. In E. Vaz (Ed.), Geography of Happiness: A Spatial Analysis of Subjective Well-Being (pp. 161-176). Springer.

Amiri, M., & Ramos, C. M. (2023). Effects and Potentials of Business Intelligence Tools on Tourism Companies in a Tourism 4.0 Environment. In L. Carvalho, C. Silveira, L. Reis & N. Russo (Eds.), Internet of Behaviors Implementation in Organizational Contexts (pp. 153-174). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9039-6.ch008

Carrasqueira, H. B., & Pereira, L. N. (2023). El emprendimiento corporativo del grupo hotelero Pestana desde Portugal al ámbito internacional. In T. A. Quintana, F. R. Vera, & J. Day (Eds.), Casos de éxito en emprendimiento corporativo de empresas turísticas en los 5 continentes (pp. 57-68). Editorial Síntesis.

Carvalho, F. L., & Fernandes, S. (2023). Sustainable tourism: Innovating path through smart city projects. In P. Xie (Ed.), Handbook on Tourism Planning (Vol. 19, pp. 321-338). Edward Elgar.

De Diego, A. A., Puig-Cabrera, M., & del Vas, G. M. (2023). Big data y Business Intelligence y su relación con Smart City, destino turístico inteligente y empresas inteligentes: Caso de Estudio DATA2SMART. In J. A. Martin & S. M. Cuadra (Eds.), Avances y promoción en el desarrollo turístico de Melilla (pp. 337-346). Dykinson.

Fernandes, S., Carvalho, F. L., & Neves, D. (2023). The change potential of social media: Learning from digital business cases. In K. Tennin (Ed.), Change Management During Unprecedented Times (pp. 63-80). IGI Global. 

Garcês, S. (2023). A Psicometria na Educação: não, sim, talvez? In E. Gouveia, A. Rodrigues, H. Antunes, A. Correia, R. Alves & H. Lopes (Eds.), O Ecletismo da Educação Física: Contributos Didáticos (pp.33-38). Universidade da Madeira.

Gonçalves, A. R., Ramos, C. M., & Viegas, C. (2023). Mediterranean Diet and Tourism Innovation, Experiences, and Sustainability: The HoST Lab Case Study. In G. P. Fernandes & A. S. Melo (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Innovation, Differentiation, and New Technologies in Tourism, Hotels, and Food Service (pp. 176-194). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6985-9.ch009.

Gonçalves, A. (2023). O encantamento do Algarve Mediterrâneo, o novo Algarve o turismo. In Pomar de Sequeiro, Dieta Mediterrânica|Algarve (pp. 214-219). Comissão de Coordenação da Região do Algarve.

Gonçalves, A. (2023). Cooperação, Redes, Criatividade e Promoção de Experiências - O grande desafio. In R. M. Loureiro (Ed.), Semana Cultural - Lugares de Globalização (pp. 180-193). Vicentina - Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Sudoeste.

Lima, T. S., Granja-Martins, F., & Fernandez, H. M. (2023). Índice para avaliação de áreas sujeitas a risco de movimentos em massa. In A. Nunes & L.  Lourenço (Coords.), Análise e Modelação de Risco no Ordenamento do Território (pp. 111-150). Riscos - Associação Portuguesa de Riscos, Prevenção e Segurança.

Lukoseviciute, G., Pereira, L. N., & Panagoupolos, T. (2023). Digital technologies in trail-related recreation: Future challenges for trail development. In A. Mandić & S. K. Walia (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Nature Based Tourism Development (pp. 166-182). Routledge.

Marcos, J. C., & Ramos, C. M. (2023). Sentiment Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews About Gastronomic Experiences. In S. Aydin, E. O. Katlav, K. Çamlia & F. Y. Eren (Eds.), Impactful Technologies Transforming the Food Industry (pp. 268-284). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9094-5

Martins, R., Mascarenhas, M., Pereira, E., Marôco, J., & McCullough, B. (2023). The importance of sport event organizations’ environmental responsibility on spectators’ sustainability intentions. In L. Carvalhinho & E. Pereira (Eds.), Desporto, Natureza e Turismo: Tendências, Inovação e Sustentabilidade (pp. 241-268). Quântica Editora.

Matos, N., & Ramos, C. M. (2023). Smart Cities: Operational Concepts for an Elusive Framework. In K. Reddy, D. Roy, T. Mishra & M. Hussain (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Network-Enabled IoT Applications for Smart City Services (pp. 323-338). IGI Global.

Molina-Pons, F., Romero, C., & Ramos, C. M. (2023). Tourist Intelligence as the Basis for the Design of a Dashboard Indicator for a Digital, Intelligent, and Connected Hotel (DCIH) With a Smart Tourist Destination. In C. Ramos, C. Sousa, N. Matos & R. Ashqar (Eds.), Measuring Consumer Behavior in Hospitality for Enhanced Decision Making (pp. 57-82). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6607-0

Nofre, J., Garcia-Ruiz, M., & Martins, J. C. (2023). Demonizing the Nightlife: The ‘Pandemic Panic’ and youth responses in Portugal and Spain. In M. J. Ryan (Ed.), COVID-19: Individual Rights and Community Responsibilities (pp. 91-104). Routledge.

Pereira, E., Martinez, M., Barradas, R., Mascarenhas, M., & Martins, R. (2023). Desporto Outdoor em Espaços Azuis: Impactos do Projeto "Crescer pelo Mar". In L. Carvalhinho & E. Pereira (Eds.), Desporto, Natureza e Turismo: Tendências, Inovação e Sustentabilidade. Quântica Editora. ISBN: 9789899177161

Pinto, H., & Guerreiro, J. A. (2023). Intellectual Property in Tourism. In J. Jafari, & H. Xiao (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer.

Pinto, H., Cruz, A. R., & Nogueira, C. (2023). In H. Pinto, P. Abreu, A. Torre & P. Collins (Orgs.), Concept Guide for Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas (pp. 82-84). Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra & IN SITU.

Pinto, H., & Laranja, M. (2023). Smart Specialisation. In H. Pinto, P. Abreu, A. Torre & P. Collins (Orgs.), Concept Guide for Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas (pp. 106-107). Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra & IN SITU. 

Pinto, H., & Viana, L. (2023). Regional Resilience. In H. Pinto, P. Abreu, A. Torre & P. Collins (Orgs.), Concept Guide for Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas (pp. 99-101). Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra & IN SITU.

Pinto, H., & Guerreiro, J. (2023). Modelos de Inovação de Base territorial. In A. Teixeira et al. (Orgs.), Estudos de Homenagem a José Silva da Costa. U.Porto Press.

Pinto, P. (2023). Causal Models in Tourism. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer.

Pocinho, M., & Garcês, S. (2023). A day in the green mountains of Madeira: Group dynamics and interpersonal relationships. In D.  Bazun & M. Kwiatkowski (Eds.), Learning on the Move: Social education handbook for students (pp. 24-26). Oficyna Naukowa.

Pocinho, M., & Garcês, S. (2023). Developing group dynamics during a mountain trip. In D.  Bazun & M. Kwiatkowski (Eds.), Teaching on the Move: Social education toolkit for teachers (pp. 23-25). Oficyna Naukowa.

Pocinho, M., & Garcês, S. (2023). Interviews as a tool to human development. In D.  Bazun & M. Kwiatkowski (Eds.), Teaching on the Move: Social education toolkit for teachers (pp. 91-93). Oficyna Naukowa.

Pocinho, M., & Garcês, S. (2023). Learning to interview and interview to learn: understanding human development beyond academic books. In D.  Bazun & M. Kwiatkowski (Eds.), Learning on the Move: Social education handbook for students (pp. 83-85). Oficyna Naukowa.

Pocinho, M., & Garcês, S. (2023). The Educational Process Outside the University Walls: The Positive Psychology Perspective. In A. Roy, S. Gulhan, D. Bazun & M. Kwiatkowski (Eds.), Knowledge on the move: Studies on Mobile Social Education (pp. 78-89). Oficyna Naukowa. 

Puig-Cabrera, M., Domínguez-Valerio, M. C., Colón-Flores, N., & Orgaz-Agüera, F. (2023). Importancia de la formación en desarrollo sostenible en los estudiantes universitarios para la inclusión social. In E. Muñoz-Catalán, M. Puig-Cabrera, J. M. de la Serna (Eds.), Derecho, Justicia e inclusión social. Editorial Aranzadi.

Puig-Cabrera, M., Gil-Quiles, D., Beltrán-Bueno, M., & Martínez del Vas., G. (2023). New Realities on Tourism Studies Teaching: Bridging the VR gap between research and practice based on empirical evidence. In C. Torres Fernández, P. Flores, J. Puig, & J. de la Serna (Eds.), New Trends and Research on Digital Education, Technopedagogy and Curriculum (pp. 143-161). Editorial Dykinson.

Ramos, C. M. (2023). Business Intelligence Applied to Tourism. In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning (pp. 579-594). IGI Global.

Ramos, C. M., Ashqar, R. I., Matos, N., & Sousa, C. M. (2023). Capital Indicators for Hotel Customer Experience to Support Strategic Management. In C. Ramos, C. Sousa, N. Matos & R. Ashqar (Eds.), Measuring Consumer Behavior in Hospitality for Enhanced Decision Making (pp. 12-33). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6607-0

Ramos, J., & Puertas, R. R. (2023). Deactivated Saltpans: What Are the Consequences for Nature and Tourism Behavior?. In G. Catenazzo (Ed.), Cases on Traveler Preferences, Attitudes, and Behaviors: Impact in the Hospitality Industry (pp. 54-72). IGI Global. DOI: 4018/978-1-6684-6919-4

Ribeiro, T. (2023). (In)sustentabilidade dos megaeventos de desporto. In T. Ribeiro, R. Biscaia & A. Correia (Eds.), Lições em Gestão do Desporto. Quântica Editora.

Richmond, F., Uchechukwu, N. C., & Ramos, C. M. (2023). Analyses of Visitors' Experiences in Museums Based on E-Word of Mouth and Tripadvisors Online Reviews: The Case of Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park, Ghana and the Nike Center for Art and Culture, Nigeria. In A. Munna, S. Shaikh & B. Kazi (Eds.), Contemporary Approaches of Digital Marketing and the Role of Machine Intelligence (pp. 192-216). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7735-9

Samora-Arvela, A., Vaz, E., Ferreira, J., Ferrão, J., & Panagopoulos, T. (2023). Tourism, Climate Change and Well-Being: The Products’ Diversity as an Opportunity. In Vaz, E. (Ed.), Geography of Happiness. Contributions to Regional Science (pp. 121-160). Springer.

Samora-Arvela, A., Pinto, P., Panagopoulos, T., Vaz, E., Ferreira, J., Pina, H., & Pinto, D. M. (2023). Regional resilience and dependence on tourism in a changing climate: Strategic pathways for the Algarve region, southern Portugal, through the case study of the municipalities of Silves, Albufeira and Loulé. In P. Remoaldo, H. Lopes, V. Ribeiro & J. Alves (Eds.), Tourism and Climate Change in the 21st Century – Challenges and Solutions. Springer.

São José, J. (2023). Researching quality of life in old age: some conceptual and methodological principles. In E. Vaz (Ed.), Geography of Happiness. A Spatial Analysis of Subjective Well-Being (pp. 51-72). Springer Nature.

Tampaki, Z., Panagopoulos, T., Karanikola, P., Tampakis, S., Ralousi, S. (2023). Active Mobility Versus Motorized Transport of High School Students in Orestiada Municipality of Greece. In E. G. Nathanail, N. Gavanas & G. Adamos (Eds.), Smart Energy for Smart Transport. Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure (pp. 847-857). Springer.

Vidal, J. (2023). La necesidad de una responsabilidad civil objetiva de las plataformas digitales de contratación de alquileres de viviendas vacacionales frente a los usuarios. In Plataformas digitales en los alquileres vacacionales (pp. 131-168). Reus Editorial.

Viegas, C., Agapito, D., & Pinto, P. (2023). Sensory Marketing: The Purpose of Sensory Stimuli in Consumer Behaviour in the Context of the Retail Environment. In C. Ramos, C. Sousa, N. Matos & R. Ashqar (Eds.), Measuring Consumer Behavior in Hospitality for Enhanced Decision Making (pp. 161-189). IGI Global.

Zanzeh, H., Ribeiro, L. P, Ribeiro, A. M., & Almeida, H. (2023). Factors influencing patient satisfaction in healthcare: A systematic review. In L. V. Ribeiro & A. M. Ribeiro (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Health Assessments for an Aging Population (pp. 211-230). IGI Global.



Agapito, D., & Chan (2022). Managing destination experience design for tourists with disabilities: ICT and accessibility. In D. Agapito, M. A. Ribeiro & K. M. Woosnam (Eds.), Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management (pp. 226-245). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Agapito, D., Woosnam, K. M., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2022). Introduction to the Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management. In D. Agapito, M. A. Ribeiro & K. M. Woosnam (Eds), Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management (pp 1–13). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Almeida, S., Spyriadis, T., Costa, C., Simões, J. M. & Campos, A. C. (2022). When the Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: Hotel Marketing Consortia as a Winning Strategy. In M. Sigala, A. Yeark, R. Presbury, M. Fang & K. A. Smith (Eds), Case Based Research in Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Events (pp. 319-341). Springer.

António, N., & Pinto, H. (2022). Youth Associations and Entrepreneurship. In Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. MDPI.

Bagheri, F., & Makian, S. (2022). Women’s involvement in the tourism activities of Iran: attempts to promote gender equity. In Dolnicar, S. & Correia, A. (Eds.), Women’s Voices in Tourism Research. The University of Queensland.

Bagheri, F., Hajinejad, A., & Abdi, N. (2022). Heritage Conservation for Tourism Development: Identifying the Challenges in Developing Countries – The Case of Iran. In S. Kladou, K. Andriotis, A. Farmaki & D. Stylidis (Eds.), Tourism Development and Planning in the Middle East (pp. 61-77). CABI.

Banha, F., Graça, A., & Banha, F. M. (2022). Entrepreneurship Education in Portuguese Tourism: Fostering Ideation, Innovation and Initiative. In J. Leitão, V. Ratten & V. Braga (Eds.), Tourism Entrepreneurship in Portugal and Spain (pp. 249-262). Springer.

Baptista, A., & Pereira, E. (2022). Innovative Teaching and Creative Learning in a Sport Tourism Curriculum: A Portuguese Case of Experiential Learning. In P. Blessinger & E. Sengupta (Eds.), Innovative Approaches in Pedagogy for Higher Education Classrooms (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 42, pp. 11-24). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Beevor, M. C., Campos, A. C., & Guerreiro, M. (2022). Storytelling and Experience Design in Heritage Tourism. In A. C. Campos & S. Almeida (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Strategic Storytelling in Destination Marketing (pp. 1-21). IGI Global.

Campos, A. C. (2022). Living Labs in Tourism. In Buhalis, D. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing (pp. 86-89). Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Campos, A. C. (2022). Memorability. In Buhalis, D. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing (pp. 187-189). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Campos, A. C., & Almeida, S. (2022). Unique stories for unique brands: appealing to the hotel guest experience through digital storytelling. In D. Agapito, M. A. Ribeiro & K. M. Woosnam (Eds), Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management (pp. 73–84). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Carvalho, F. L., & Fernandes, S. (2022). Sustainable tourism: How is this issue effectively approached?. In G. P. Fernandes (Ed.), Challenges and New Opportunities for Tourism in Inland Territories: Ecocultural Resources and Sustainable Initiatives (pp. 91-105). IGI Global.

Chan, C-S., & Agapito, D. (2022). Managing destination experience design for tourists with disabilities: ICT and accessibility. In D. Agapito, M. A. Ribeiro & K. M. Woosnam (Eds), Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management (pp. 226–245). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Correia, A., Lopes, Â., Portugal, J., & Santos, M. S. (2022). A esperança de trazer cultura para o Algarve. In C. Correia (Ed.), Turismo – Algarve, Segredos por Revelar (pp. 289-308).

da Silva Matos, N. M., de Oliveira Duarte, P. A., & de Sá, E. S. (2022). Flow experience and emotions in tourism. In D. Agapito, M. A. Ribeiro & K. M. Woosnam (Eds.), Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management (pp. 61-72). Edward Elgar Publishing.

del Vas, G. M., Dexeus, C. R., Puig-Cabrera, M., & López, A. N. (2022). Building sustainability in smart destinations: applicability of a management model for the case of Spain. In F. Femenia-Serra, A. Sorzabal & Z. Xiang (Coords.), Transitioning towards the future of tourism destinations: resilient, smart, and green development (pp. 137-165). Thomson Reuters Aranzadi; Civitas.

Garcês, S., Pocinho, M., & Agrela, S. (2022). Creativity: A predictor of Mental Wellbeing. In J. Berg, C. Vestena & C. Costa-Lobo (Eds.), Criatividade e Desenvolvimento Humano (Vol. 2, pp. 92-103). Pimenta Cultural.

Gonçalves, A. (2022). A New Sea, a New Algarve, a New Path. In A. Fidalgo & G. Gomes (Eds.), Faro 2027, now what? (pp. 94-107). Epopeia Books.

Gonçalves, A., & Dorsch, L. (2022). Digital Tourism. In Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. MDPI.

Guerreiro, M., & Lessa, J. (2022). Colour as a brand-related stimulus in the scope of destination brand experience design: an overview. In D. Agapito, M. A. Ribeiro & K. M. Woosnam (Eds), Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management (pp. 49-60). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Haas, L., & Ribeiro, T. (2022). Sport Governance in Portugal. In J. García-Fernández, M. Grimaldi-Puyana, & G. A. Bravo (Eds.), Sport in the Iberian Peninsula (pp. 232-244). Routledge.

Lai, H. K., Pinto, P., & Pintassilgo, P. (2022). Over-tourism Impacts on Residents’ Emotions and Feelings Towards Tourism: The Case of Macau. In D. Agapito, M. A. Ribeiro & K. M. Woosnam (Eds.), Handbook on the Tourist Experience: Design, Marketing and Management (pp. 195-209). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lemos Baptista, J. M., Jardim, J., & Almeida, C. (2022). O Turismo da Madeira no processo da globalização. Relevância, contributos e evolução. In Abrantes, P. & Lechner, E. (Coords.), Nós Globais: Investigações em Curso sobre Questões de Globalização (pp. 49-69). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Marques, J. F. (2022). Capital Europeia da Cultura: uma oportunidade para um destino turístico de Sol e Mar. In Faro 2027, e agora? (pp. 108-215). Epopeia Books.

Martins, J. C., Almeida, C. R., & Gonçalves, A. (2022). A New Framework for Tourism Sustainability and Its Prototyping in Pilot Areas: Insights from BEST MED Testing Phase. In C. Ribeiro de Almeida, J. Martins, A. Gonçalves, S. Quinteiro & M. Gasparini (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Cultural Tourism and Sustainability (pp. 131-155). IGI Global.

Mendonça, V., Renda, A. I., & de Matos, N. M. S. (2022). Moving Towards Sustainable Cultural Tourism Experiences: A Participatory Journey–The Stakeholders Perspective. In C. R. Almeida, J. C. Martins, A. R. Gonçalves, S. Quinteiro, & M. L. Gasparini (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Cultural Tourism and Sustainability (pp. 188-208). IGI Global.

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González, T.; Gualda, J.M.; Martins, V.; Fragoso, A.; Lucio-Villegas, E. y Gualda, E. (2011) “Biografía, identidad fronteriza-europea y sentidos de pertenencia territorial en Ayamonte y Vila Real de Santo António”. In Congreso Internacional Cooperación Transfronteriza Andalucía, Algarve y Alentejo. Universidad de Huelva, 17 pp. ISBN 978-84-15147-07-7

Gualda Caballero, E. (2011) “Las raíces de la pertenencia y la identidad en adolescentes y jóvenes inmigrantes en Huelva”. In Arjona, A., Checa, J.C. y Belmonte, T. (eds) Biculturalismo y Segundas Generaciones. Integración social, escuela y bilingüismo Icaria & Antrazyt, Barcelona, pp. 223-252

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Gualda, E. (2011) “Demografía y familia: natalidad y rejuvenecimiento de la poblaciónriqueza de la diversidad”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 51-54

Gualda, E. (2011) “Diferentes pero iguales: El ser humano como valor”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 55-58

Gualda, E. (2011) “El quinteto discursivo de las amenazas de la inmigración”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 19-22

Gualda, E. (2011) “Integración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad”. in Gualda, E. (Ed.) Integración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad. Sevilla, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía – Servicio Andaluz de Empleo, pp.15-29

Gualda, E. (2011) “La riqueza de la diversidad”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 39-50

Gualda, E. (2011) “Los inmigrantes aportan riqueza”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 29-38

Gualda, E. (2011) “Múltiples contribuciones”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 23-27

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