GreenInUrbs - Green infrastructure approach: linking environmental with social aspects in studying and managing urban forests (COST Action FP1204)

The COST Action aims to: 1) increase the understanding of the role of urban forestry (UF) in the context of Green Infrastructure (GI) from a scientific and a socio-economic perspective, in terms of the ecosystem services provided to people and to the urban environment; 2) to identify priorities and challenges for future research in the field; 3) to provide indicators and/or thresholds to be included by policy makers in local, national or international regulations about GI and UF; 4) to develop guidelines for GI planners and managers on how to implement GI approaches with an emphasis on linking the environmental and social services of UF.

Partner institutions: 300 members from 41 countries. Carlo Calfapietra (Chair of the Action), Institute of Agroenvironmental and Forest Biology, Italy and David Pearlmutter (Vice Chair of the Action), Ben Gurion University, Israel.

CinTurs researcher(s): Thomas Panagopoulos (UAlg Delegate)

Budget UAlg:

Total budget: 750.000,00€

Funding institution(s): EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020

Period: 2013 - 2017

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