DMOcracy - Inclusive, dynamic and empowering destination governance

This project plans to provide research knowledge for a new impact initiative that explores and develops methods and models for public engagement and participatory governing of tourism destinations. This initiative will co-create methods to involve and empower local communities, citizens, and stakeholders broadly in governing sustainable tourism and destination development. Experience in conducting social impact assessments of tourism will be utilised to engage with tourism changemakers to shape and inspire the future role and relevance of Destination Management and Marketing Organisations (DMO)s. Complexity theory will be used to interpret the challenges and imperatives of power-sharing and new modes of governance. 

Partner institutions: University of Surrey (UK), Group NAO (Denmark)

CinTurs researcher(s): Manuel Alector Ribeiro

Budget UAlg: n/a

Funding institution(s): Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK

Period: March 2022 – Dec 2022

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