Atlantic Social Lab - Atlantic cooperation to promote social innovation

The Atlantic Social Lab contributes to the creation of a social innovation ecosystem, promoting integrated strategies to respond to new social challenges and opportunities. Through intensive transnational collaboration, the partners implement, test and propose the scaling-up of small-scale pilot interventions in the following areas: social innovation and social care services; social innovation and active public engagement; inclusive green economy; and social economy and social responsibility in the private sector. More recently, it has been extended to include digitalisation as a social innovation, as a consequence of the issues highlighted by the pandemic. The findings support the creation of the Atlantic Social Innovation Observatory.

Partner institutions: Ayuntamiento de Avilés; Concello de Santiago de Compostela; Glasgow Caledonian University; Enterprise North West; Comhairle Cathrach Chorcai; Chambre régionale de l’économie sociale et solidaire de Bretagne; Communauté d'Agglomération Pau-Pyrénées; Centro de Estudos Sociais- Universidade de Coimbra; ADRAVE – Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional do Vale do Ave; Gobierno del Principado de Asturias; (new partners 2022) Fundación Municipal de Servicios Sociales del Ayuntamiento de Gijón; Comunidade Intermunicipal do Ave, CRIJ Occitanie Pyrénées Mediterranée.

CinTurs researcher(s): Hugo Pinto

Budget UAlg: n/a

Funding institution(s): UE - INTERREG Atlantic Area

Period: 2017 - 2023

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