CinTurs doctoral students Aline Rezende and Beatriz Gonçalves participated in the 3 Minute Thesis UAlg competition, which aims to develop communication and dissemination skills in doctoral students by presenting complex ideas in a simple, efficient and creative way to different audiences. Read more. 


Manuela Guerreiro, CinTurs researcher, took part in visits and technical meetings of the Portuguese UNESCO World Geoparks. Read more.


"Conversations with Science" brought together researchers and journalists with the aim of getting to know the UAlg research network. Read more


Accessibility for all in Tourism. The ACCES4ALL project in “2 Minutes of Science”. Read more. 


Enhancing Mediterranean governance through sustainable tourism. Beyond European Sustainable Tourism Med Path – BESTMED project in “2 Minutes of Science”. Read more. 


Regional IdeaLab – Algarve. Aimed to support participants in the developing of their tourism activities and exchange best practices. Organization: CREATOUR Project. Read more. 


A training session with the specialized tour operator Barrio Life Nederland, focusing on creative tourism, was held on 27 March 2018, directed especially to CREATOUR pilots but also open to the general public. Organization: CinTurs/ RTA/ ATA. Read more. 


3rd Workshop of Trail GazersBid - Sustainable Tourism Management of Eco-Cultural Trails - The Case of the Algarve, promoted in collaboration with the Municipality of Lagoa. Read more.


Manuela Rosa, a CinTurs researcher, participated in the panel on "Sustainability and Environmental Practices in the Territory" at the Iberian seminar “Faro Azul, Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes”, organized by Faro City Council.


CinTurs researcher Célia Ramos participated in the podcast “90 segundos de Ciência” and presented the project SHIFT - Sustainability-oriented, Highly interactive and Innovation-based Framework for Tourism Marketing. Read more.


The Algarve team SuSTowns Project presented the seminar Sustainability Sprint: Involving the local community in sustainable tourism, in the municipality of Lagos. Read more.


Seminar "Valuing the forest and green infrastructures", presented by CinTurs researcher Thomas Panagoupolos, as part of the Cientificamente Provável Programme, to the 8th-grade classes of the Professora Paula Nogueira School Group, in Olhão. Read more.




CinTurs in Rede do Empresário, Business and Science Network. Read more.





Presentation of the SuSTowns project at the RTA headquarters, which explored sustainability in small and medium-sized local tourist destinations, using the city of Lagos as a case study. Read more.




The GRAMPCITY project – Moving Smartly Towards Accessible and Inclusive Urban Environments for our Elders in "2 Minutes Science". Making cities more age-friendly. Read more.




2020 Summer school in Accessible and Inclusive Tourism, a special support "Verão com Ciência" promoted by FCT, with the participation of 13 young researchers, undergraduate and master's students of the University of Algarve. Read more.




European Creative Rooftop Network. International Artist Residencies. Workshop for professional and amateur artists in artistic residency in the partner cities of Faro, Antwerp (Belgium) and Chemnitz (Germany). Entity involved: Cultural Department of Faro City Council. Read more.




Workshop within the EUKI (European Climate Initiative) Living Streets Programme. The meeting brought together local leaders from the seven pilot cities funded by the project: Faro, Óbidos and Torres Vedras; Porec and Krizevci (Croatia); Corinth and Elliniko-Argyroupoli (Greece). Read more.




Adão Flores, a CinTurs researcher, talks about a project that aims to promote sustainable tourism in small and medium-sized Mediterranean towns. Read more.





Awareness-raising sessions on "Valuation of forests and green infrastructure" in 3 schools in rural communities in the municipality of Loulé, presented by Thomas Panagopoulos, CinTurs Researcher. Read more



CinTurs researcher participated in the podcast “90 segundos de Ciência” and presented the project SEARM-FIT - Socioeconomic artificial reef monitoring: fisheries interaction with tourism. Read more.




RESTUR project in “2 Minutes of Science”, a UAlg initiative that aims to promote the teaching of science and scientific culture, also making known the faces of its scientists. Read more.




Hugo Pinto, CinTurs researcher, is part of the steering committee of the project “Industrial Policy Strategic Assessment (IPSA) - An evaluation framework for industrial policy measures and impact on the Portuguese economy competitiveness". Read more. 


On 29 May, Jorge Ramos, CinTurs researcher, lectured on artificial reefs to 8th-grade students at the Dr Alberto Iria 2nd/3rd cycle school in Olhão. Read more.


Developing creative tourism destinations. Could creative tourism contribute to the sustainable development of small Portuguese towns and rural areas? "2 Minutes of Science" about the CREATOUR project – Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Towns and Rural Areas. Read more. 


Presentation of MONITUR project at the Algarve Tourism Board (RTA) Headquarters. The results of this study will support the activities of the Algarve Sustainable Tourism Observatory. Read more.


Presentation/Test of a Cultural Route in the municipality of Faro within the scope of the BEST MED/UALG INTERREG Project. Read more.


The Triangle Project brings a workshop on "Sustainable Tourism and Certification" to the Municipality of Lagos. Read more.


How can we improve urban life in a changing environment using biophilic design? To answer this question, Thomas Panagopoulos is coordinating the BIODES project. Read more. 


Summer School “Antecipar para melhor gerir a mudança: uso de ferramentas de prospetiva”. Contents on the topics of urban planning, sustainability and prospective perspective. Activity with students with the creation of a Tree of Problems and solution proposals. Read more. 


Thomas Panagopoulos, a CinTurs researcher presented the oral communication "Incêndios Florestais e recuperação da paisagem" on the National Eco-Schools Seminar 2019. Read more.


CinTurs researcher Cláudia Ribeiro de Almeida has participated in the TV report "Algarve - gota a gota" from SIC Notícias. Read more.


Presentation of the results of the RESTUR and TurExperience projects at the RTA headquarters, which assess the attitudes and behaviour of local residents towards tourism in the region and the impact of tourist experiences on the image of the Algarve as a destination. Read more.


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