*The names marked in bold are currently integrated researchers in CinTurs
Start Year | Title | Doctoral Program | PhD Student | Supervisor(s) and Affiliation(s) |
2024 | Exploring Touchpoints in the Customer Journey: Multichannel and Omnichannel Contexts from a Customer-Centric Perspective Across Generation Z | Economic and Management Sciences | Vasco Alexandre Machado Afonso | Manuela Guerreiro and Dora Agapito, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2024 | Experience Design for Memorable Experiences in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation | Tourism | Tânia Vanessa Rodrigues Peixoto | Nelson Matos and Manuela Guerreiro, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2024 | Unlocking Innovation: An Exploration through Collaborative Landscapes in New Product Design | Economic and Management Sciences | Raquel Mira Branco | Manuela Guerreiro and Ana Cláudia Campos, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2024 | Ecosistemas de Inovação e a Importância das Instituições Públicas de Investigação Científica, Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação - A Exploração do Estudo de caso da província de Luanda | Economic and Management Sciences | Luzia Júlio Barros | Hugo Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) and Adérito Tomás Pais da Cunha, Politecnic Institute of Kwanza-Sul (Angola) |
2024 | The Role of Public Sector in Social Innovation and Territorial Development: Regional and Local Analysis of the European Union and Portugal | Economic and Management Sciences | Ana Sofia Dias Marcelino | Luís Nobre Pereira and Hugo Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2024 | A Abertura do Ensino Superior Português a Novos Públicos: Serão as instituições públicas de ensino superior amigas dos estudantes maiores de 23 anos? | Sociology | Alyssa Janssens-Theunis | José de São José and Milene Lança, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2024 | An integrated perspective about Portuguese local governments' efficiency - the use of artificial intelligence to support municipal management | Economic and Management Sciences | Carolina Neves | Célia Ramos and Luís Nobre Pereira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2024 | A digitalização dos serviços públicos: implicações para a inclusão/exclusão social das pessoas mais velhas | Inter-Universitário OpenSoc Sociologia | Gabriela Vieira | José de São José and Milene Lança, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2024 | Reconversão Económica e a Criação de Novas Trajetórias em Regiões Periféricas no Estado de Minas Gerais (BRASIL) | Governação, Conhecimento e Inovação - CES/UC | Helen Belisario | Hugo Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) and Liliane Guimarães, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (Brasil) |
2024 | The role of hotel design on consumers’ expectations and future intentions | Tourism | Zohreh Fereidoun | Nelson Matos and Luis Nobre Pereira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2023 | Em busca da felicidade: Uma análise do turismo de autocaravana em Portugal através da sociologia positiva | Tourism | Teresa Rodrigues | João Filipe de Jesus Marques, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2023 | Creative Tourism Memorable Experiences (CTMEs) and Post-Experience Attitudes in Festivals | Tourism | Adlin Ariffin | Maria Alexandra Patrocínio Rodrigues Gonçalves and João Filipe de Jesus Marques, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2023 | Turismo Slow, o seu impacto e ligação à comunidade insular. A perceção dos residentes. O estudo do caso da ilha de Santo Antão, Cabo Verde | Tourism | Fernanda Fernandes | Nelson Matos and Eugenia Ferreira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2023 | The impact of AI adoption in the Portuguese hospitality industry – A holistic overview | Tourism | Henrique Henriques | Claudia Ribeiro de Almeida and Célia Quitério Ramos, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2023 | Navigating Sustainability in the Blue Economy: Innovation, Challenges, and Opportunities | Economic and Management Sciences | Jennifer Nicole Elston | Hugo Pinto and Carla Nogueira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2023 | Digital Content Marketing Antecedents, Consequences and Effects: A Conceptual Framework and ResearchDirections in the Context of B2B | Economic and Management Sciences | Raul Sfat | Manuela Guerreiro and Jorge Andraz, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2023 | O contributo da experiência turística memorávelcultural (ETM) para o apaego ao lugar, imagem dodestino, satisfação e lealdade dos turistas. O caso da ilhade São Vicente (Cabo Verde) | Tourism | Ênnio Sérgio Pires Fortes Cruz | Nelson Matos and Eugénia Ferreira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2022 | Sustentabilidade digital - o caso da hotelaria | Economic, Business and Legal Sciences | Carla Machado | Margarida Santos, University of Algarve (Portugal) and Antonio Briones Peñalver, Polytechnic University of Cartagena (Spain) |
2022 | The impact of blockchain on the hospitality industry: how to use this technology to increase customer loyalty in hotels | Tourism | Yassine Mountije | Célia Ramos and Dora Agapito, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2022 | Mentoria Formal por Pares no Ensino Superior – Comparação entre os Formatos de Mentoria Individual e de Mentoria em Grupo | Psychology | Mariana Pereira Guerreiro | Saúl Neves de Jesus, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2022 | The role of destination sensescapes in perceived destination sustainability and well-being | Tourism | Ilze Paris | Dora Agapito and Patricia Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2022 | The contribution of second-home tourism for the sustainable development of the Algarve region: the perspectives of residents and tourists | Tourism | Daria Vartanova | Ana Cláudia Campos and Luís Nobre Pereira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2022 | Segmenting Vanlifers And Understanding Their Impacts On Destination | Tourism | Christina Muhs | Dora Agapito and Luís Nobre Pereira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2022 | The Role of Smart and Crowd-Sourced Platforms in Empowering Responsible Tourists: The Case of TripDoodler | Tourism | Amit Bhatia | Dora Agapito and Célia Ramos, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2022 | The impact of destination environmental responsibility on tourist behaviour and its effects on loyalty | Tourism | Aline de Castro Rezende | Manuela Guerreiro and Luís Nobre Pereira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2021 | A Promoção do Bem-Estar Ocupacional em Trabalhadores com Vínculos Precários: Uma Proposta de Modelo | Psychology | Andreia Filipa Cristino da Conceição | Saul Neves de Jesus and João Viseu, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2021 | The role of experiencescape in customer's outcomes: The case of eco-lodges in Vietnam | Tourism | Tran Ha Mai Ly | Dora Agapito and Luis Pereira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2021 | Company resilience in the European tourism industry: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic | Economic and Management Sciences | Carina Jesus | Luís Coelho and Célia Ramos, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2021 | Event Experiences In Cultural Settings: Testing A Framework | Economic and Management Sciences | Magda Wikesjo | Manuela Guerreiro and Dora Agapito, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2021 | Holisticscape, a New Approach towards Wellness SPA Management - The Case of Algarve | Tourism | Cristina Valente Pedro | Nelson Matos and Patrícia Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2021 | Nature-based solutions for carbon-neutral cities, improving air quality, human health and well-being: a new approach supporting the SDG in three European cities | Marine, Earth and Environmental Sciences | Catarina de Sousa Silva | Thomas Panagopoulos, University of Algarve (Portugal), Simon Bell, University of Life Sciences (Tartu) and Lenka Lackòovà, Slovak University of Agriculture (Nitra) |
2021 | Destinationscape: Developing a Scale and Testing a Framework | Tourism | Ana Carolina Bender | Dora Agapito and Manuela Guerreiro, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2020 | Mindfulness adaptado ao Turismo: Promoção dos resultados psicológicos positivos e do bem-estar dos turistas | Psychology | Vivien Iacob | Saúl Neves de Jesus, Cláudia Carmo, University of Algarve (Portugal) and Soraia Garcês, University of Madeira (Portugal) |
2020 | The potential of resident population on the development of significant and meaningful tourist experiences | Psychology | Ester Câmara | Margarida Pocinho, University of Madeira (Portugal) and Dora Agapito, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2020 | The New Era of Tourism: Security and Wellbeing in Tourism Destinations | Psychology | Patrícia Martins | Margarida Pocinho, University of Madeira (Portugal) and Patrícia Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2020 | Factors Affecting Residents’ Support for Sustainable Tourism Development in Cape Verde | Tourism | Edson Santos | Luís Nobre Pereira and Patrícia Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2020 | Exploring Hosts and Guests Relationships in the Algarve | Tourism | Victor Hugo da Silva | Patrícia Pinto and Ana Renda, University of Algarve (Portugal) and Fernando García, University of Malaga (Spain) |
2020 | Understanding the Museum paradigm shift. A Case Study of Quito's museum’s innovative strategies through new and digital technologies in the context of Covid-19 and future | Tourism | Annia Larkins | João Albino Silva and Cláudia Henriques, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2019 | Formação Superior em Turismo - um Estudo Comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal | Tourism | Catherine Margoni | Luís Nobre Pereira and Ana Isabel Renda, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2018 | A prospective study on the formation of human resources in the provision of sports services in the areas of sports and tourism | Human Kinetics | Miguel Beles | Rui Claudino, University of Lisbon and Elsa Pereira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2018 | The Influence of Country Image and Destination Image on International Tourists and Their Travel Intention to Visit Dhaka | Tourism | Yusuf Hossein Khan | Júlio Mendes and Nelson Matos, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2018 | Capacity building for sustainable tourism in rural areas with the perspective from different stakeholders, A case study in Mazandaran, Iran | Tourism | Tahmineh Asadi | João Albino Silva and José de São José, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2018 | Implementação e avaliação da eficácia do Programa de Formação e Apoio Familiar na Ilha da Boavista, Cabo Verde | Psychology | Adriana Correia | Saul Neves de Jesus and Cristina Nunes, University of Algarve (Portugal) and Victoria Hidalgo, University of Seville (Spain) |
2018 | Competências transversais e bem-estar: um programa de intervenção para estudantes do ensino superior | Psychology | Ana Sofia Martins | Saul Neves de Jesus and Cristina Nunes, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2018 | A journey from customer value proposition to value co-creation | Economics and Management Science | Jinous Sadigh | Manuela Guerreiro and Patrícia Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2017 | Entrepreneurship competencies intermediation between education and practice | Management | Ana Cristina Gonçalves | Maria José Sousa, European University of Lisbon (Portugal) |
2017 | O contributo do eWOM para as estratégias e gestão das operações na hotelaria: um estudo de caso nos hotéis de Recife, Brasil | Tourism | Ana Cláudia Gomes | Adão Flores and Eugénia Maia Ferreira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2017 | Empatia e regulação emocional no tratamento da depressão: Estudos sobre o seu papel na mudança terapêutica | Psychology | Ana Catarina Almeida | Saul Neves de Jesus, University of Algarve (Portugal) and João Salgado, University Institute of Maia – ISMAI (Portugal) |
2016 | Conceptualizing and measuring immersive brand experience | Economics and Management Sciences | Veranika Novik | Manuela Guerreiro and Patrícia Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2016 | Perceções de residentes face aos impactos da designação Património Mundial sobre o turismo em cidades de origem colonial: o caso de São Luís | Tourism | Miriam Mota | Manuela Guerreiro and Patrícia Pinto, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2016 | Sonolência: contribuições para a investigação sobre a sonolência em diferentes constructos psicológicos | Psychology | David Rafael Silva | Saul Neves de Jesus, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2016 | Fan engagement in social media: A comparison between Iranians and Portuguese in instagram | Economic and Management Sciences | Houman Hadian | Manuela Guerreiro and Nelson Matos, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2015 | Teacher health – Influence study of organizational and personal variables | Educational Sciences | Liberata Borralho | Adelinda Candeias, University of Évora and Saul Neves de Jesus, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2014 | Qualidade da Experiência do Destino Turístico: uma Netnografia da Análise de Sentimento do Turista | Tourism | Elidomar Alcoforado | Adão Flores and José Santos, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2012 | Uma avaliação multidimensional dos padrões de estabilidade e de mudança na reorganização empresarial dos distritos da zona centro de Portugal | Innovation and Land Use Management | Catarina Maria André | Guilherme Castela and Eugénia Maia Ferreira, University of Algarve (Portugal) |
2011 | Technology-based entrepreneurship: The NEOTEC initiative | Innovation and Land Use Management | Hugo Barros | João Pinto Guerreiro, University of Algarve (Portugal) and Äsa Lindholm Dahlstrand, CIRCLE (Sweden) |
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